SRN-Newsletter Spring 2022

Dear all

Despite the Pandemic our engagement in the SRN was in the last two years influenced by a “spring” feeling: ideas, growth and exploring the possible. The results of this work are summarized on our new website:

Where interested shiatsu practitioners are guided by our main topics: Getting Started, Getting Deeper, Get in Touch.

Between September 2021 and April 2022 we had four strategic meetings with 10 participants from 7 countries (Frans Annegarn (NL), Leisa Bellmore (CA), Fernando Cabo (GB), Bruno Ganner (AT), Sandy Gsell (CH), Karin Koers (DE), Eliane Liechti (GB), Kristina Pfeifer (AT), Lucia Seminara (IT), Stergios Tsiormpatzis (FI)) during which we formulated our Vision, Mission and Values as you can read on the webpage.

In our strategic meetings, we evaluated if the foundation of an SRN-association would be possible. The two main aims of founding an official association were: (1) To be able to start crowd-funding projects for developing resources, e.g. self-learning materials and (2) to have a clear and transparent decision making process. During the strategic meetings it became clear that we don’t have enough human resources either to found an association or to do crowd-funding projects. Thus for the moment we will maintain what we achieved (see the website) and see how you – the newsletter readers – and interested practitioners interact with our ideas of Getting Started and Getting Deeper with research.

To resolve the ‘problem’ of decision making in the SRN we will do an online annual meeting, where decisions are made. All ROUNDTABLE participants are invited to the annual meetings. If you are interested in participating, feel free to join the ROUNDTABLE.

It was very valuable to collect many different points of view. Over all the strategic meetings were a very interesting experience which strengthened our ability to discuss issues while keeping the focus. It showed that we can develop the SRN further by using online-meetings which makes us ‘free’ from the difficulties of organizing expensive physical meetings. Nevertheless, we love to meet in person and for sure we will use the opportunity during the European Shiatsu Congress in 2023.

Please share the information about our website with your colleges, your students or your members! Don’t hesitate to provide us some feedback via and of course let us know if you would like to work with us, since we are clearly looking for more ‘working power’ to continue working on closing the gap between Shiatsu and Research.



